4 Ways to Raise Your Property Value

If you plan to sell your home on a tight budget, there’s no need to break the bank to raise your property value. There are handfuls of projects you can do for free, all of which will go a long way towards finding a buyer. Here are a few of them.

  1. Touch Up The Paint. You don’t need to repaint your walls before selling a home, but you should touch up any smudges that won’t wipe off. Chances are good that you’ve got some leftover paint in your basement or garage from the last time the walls were painted, so stir it up and lay it on where needed. It will take some time for the new paint to darken and match, so make sure you do this at least a week prior to showing the house.
  2. Fill Wasted Space. If there’s a room in your house that’s not really doing much, it’s time to give it some purpose. Add a desk and a computer, then tell people it’s an office. Or maybe you prefer to clean out the clutter and turn it into a guest bedroom. You want buyers to see how versatile your square footage is, so make sure non of your space is wasted.
  3. Mow the Neighbor’s Lawn. When buying a home, people want to know that the neighborhood they are moving into is a pleasant one. If you have neighbors that have fallen behind on their yard work, offer to mow their lawn or rake their leaves. If their house looks valuable, yours will too.
  4. Warm the Hearth. Nothing says “cozy” quite like a crackling fire, so put your fireplace to good use when showing your house. A warm hearth kicks starts the nesting instinct and it will increase the perceived value of your home.

These are only a few ways you can quickly and easily raise the property value of your home. Remember, selling a home is more about care than flair, so as long as your real estate investment is well-kept, there’s no need to break the bank with remodeling projects.

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